Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is ACL Repair?

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a ligament in the center of your knee that becomes damaged when twisted too far, such as in a skiing injury. Treatment for ACL injuries depends on the severity of the tear and whether other parts of the knee are injured.
An ACL tear is most often a sports-related injury. ACL tears can also occur during rough play, mover vehicle collisions, falls, and work-related injuries. A three to five inch incision is made in the knee in order to harvest the ligament graft. The rest of the operation is done arthroscopically. The old ACL tissue is removed and the new tendon is pinned in place. ACL Repair is Low cost surgery to replace the ligament in the center of your knee with a new ligament. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) keeps your shin bone (tibia) in place. A tear of this ligament can cause your knee to give way during physical activity. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction in Thailand can be done with several different graft choices. These include patellar tendon, hamstring tendon, and donor tissue (allograft). Refractive Surgeons in Thailand have teamed up refers to a breathing disorder in which eye surgeons provide only be temporarily affected however. Thailand is one of the Best Destinations for Anterior Cruciate Affordable ACL Repair treatment. Patients can find the Best Treatments of Quality Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in Bangkok, Thailand.
ACL Repair or Reconstruction is performed using a combination of open surgery and arthroscopy. Before the ACL reconstruction process begins, your surgeon will examine your knee arthroscopically, and repair any additional damage to the knee. Many Asian countries are fast developing into Top destinations for medical tourism for the
rest of the world. In the coming years, Thailand is expected to earn millions in revenue, thanks to the superior healthcare facilities and the highly affordable healthcare costs.

ACL injuries can be caused by:

* Slowing down while running
* Sudden change of direction, causing a twist in your knee (cutting in sports)
* Landing from a jump
* Contact or collision causing extreme knee hyperextension
* A rapid stop with a change in direction
* One-step-stop landing with the knee hyper extended

Procedure Performed for ACL Repair Surgery Treatment:

The diagnosis of an ACL injury is usually arrived at by determining the mechanism of injury, examining the knee, determining the presence or absence of blood within the joint, and performing diagnostic studies. These may include x-rays, MRI scans and stress tests of the ligament. You will probably receive general anesthesia right before surgery. This means you will be unconscious and unable to feel pain. There are several options available when treating an ACL injury. The most common treatment is to replace your native ACL with a new ligament. Typically, the new ligament material (graft) can be taken from one of the patient's own tendons (auto graft), or the graft can be taken from a tendon in the knee of a tissue donor (allograft). Thus, newer methods were developed which involve reconstructing the ACL ligament, including substituting a new ligament for the damaged one.
ACL Reconstruction Procedure in Thailand has also changed and improved according to the course of time. As health care costs increase, patients in the developed world are looking at ACL Repair Surgery Treatment overseas. Thailand is capitalizing on its Low Cost Surgery and highly trained Best doctors to appeal to these medical tourists in Thailand and other countries. In Thailand, medical treatment is not only fast but also costs a fraction of what it costs in USA or Europe. The ACL Repair surgical procedure in Thailand is the one of the Top Quality Surgery Treatments that medical patients opt for when traveling to hospitals in Thailand.

How SurgeryPlanet provide international services for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) patient worldwide.

There are many Best Hospital Destinations for ACL Repair Overseas. Patients can find the Best Hospitals and Doctors for overseas ACL Repair Treatment at Affordable Low Cost. SurgeryPlanet has the Largest Network of International Hospitals with online consultation and bookings. SurgeryPlanet provides high quality healthcare Facilitation for Surgeries & Treatments, at international accredited hospitals at low cost. SurgeryPlanet also provides affordable cost for any treatment or surgery such as buttocks lift treatment, cardiac bypass surgery, Rhinoplasty, Knee Replacement in Thailand.

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Author Profile:

This is Srikanth from India, I am frequent traveler and working in Medical Domain. My hobbies writing medical related article and doing research in medical tourism. Please reach me on

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